12 Oct But What About Time Management? (How About Energy Management Instead?)
Many of us create unrealistic expectations about how many tasks and accomplishments we can fit into a single business day. We seem to continually search for ways to deal with the pressure of lists, meetings, deadlines, and commitments. Meanwhile, our stress of trying to keep with this mess actually reduces our productivity.
Your frank self-assessment:
So I wonder…do you keep searching for the perfect or better system that will someday magically keep you on track?
How’s that working out so far? Are you able to accept that there are limits to what can be done and that it’s up to you to set them (or find a more reasonable workplace culture?)
Do you take realistic breaks, or do you believe that Superwoman and Superman don’t need these because they have superpowers?
Here are my tips:
- Technology is often not our friend. Use the same standard for e-mail that you would for paper: is this something that I want to keep around and keep track of? In about 98 percent of the time, the answer is “no,” so send it to your Trash, and set your Trash to delete anything over thirty days each day. If it’s worth saving, then save it now. Otherwise, if it’s a month old and you haven’t had to dig it out of the Trash, let it go.
- Make sure you periodically take as much time as you can—a minimum of forty-eight hours, seven full days is better—for a regular “digital detox.” When we unplug our devices, we return to a more natural rhythm—the one that life is based on, actually. You’ll be surprised how well the world gets along without you.
- When you have to choose between what ultimately is a positive set of feelings (playing ball with your kid, walking out of the gym) versus a crummy or ho-hum set of feelings (like taking another hour to do vague research on the Internet), imagine yourself an hour from now. Determine which set of feelings is going to contribute more to your feeling recharged and resilient, and let that be your motivator.
Excerpt From: Flip Brown. “Balanced Effectiveness at Work.” Apple Books.