
Hi, I’m Flip Brown

Since August of 2000, I’ve worked with well over one hundred businesses and other organizations to help them become more connected, more collaborative, and ultimately more successful. I’m honored to have served my clients who have strengthened their business relationships, deepened their awareness, and held true to their values. 

In pursuit of providing strong value to my clients I’ve obtained over six hundred hours of professional development training, which is ongoing. 

“We were delighted to work with Business Culture Consultants, another B Corp who shares our values. … We’re stronger as a team, we have a more focused path for our future growth, and we’re experiencing improved financial results.”

KAREN PAROLEK, Principal. Opticos Design, Inc.

My hunger for knowledge and experience has led me through multiple certifications and training programs. I went back to college at the age of thirty-seven and completed a Bachelors and then a Masters degree. I’ve been a supervisor and I’ve been supervised. I’ve sat on both sides of the therapeutic relationship. 

I’ve worked as a psychologist, nonprofit executive, international product manager, mobile crisis team clinician, retail salesperson, and wilderness workshop leader. I’ve also been a hardwood furniture craftsman, windsurfing instructor, gigging musician, cross-country ski instructor, a cappella singer, and rabid organic vegetable gardener. In short, I’ve had multiple careers and interests, and they continue!

Working in my father’s grocery store, starting at the age of twelve, I had a direct experience of how relationships matter in business. Providing customers with “above and beyond” service, setting high standards for employees yet treating them with empathy and compassion, and supporting your local community through donations and events were all values I saw first hand.

Thus I had a positive experience of the world of work (in fact, more positive than family life at the time). I’m grateful that I have a good work ethic and a keen interest in how people show up at work to accomplish shared goals with a collaborative spirit. This is my life’s work – it’s what I’ll be doing until I leave the physical plane. 

Three other things you should know about me. First, I am extremely blessed to have a wonderful wife and life partner. Sandy Post is a remarkable human being, and as someone who knows us well once said, “She wants the best for you and the best from you.” How true!

Second, I have a deep lifelong involvement in music. There is a magnet on our fridge that says, “I may be old but at least I got to see all the cool bands” and is fairly true. I have been playing in and out of groups – rock ‘n’ roll, acoustic, Americana, and Grateful Dead covers – for over fifty years. I love singing in three-part harmony, and in addition to my main instrument of bass guitar I also play acoustic and electric rhythm guitar and have recently taken up the pedal steel. 

Third, I am humbly working to increase the depth of my spiritual practice. After having worked through growing up in a cult religion, I now cherish my connection to the Universal Life Force  using the doorways of Mahamudra Buddhism and Sufism, among others. 

My core philosophy can be summed up in a lyric by John Lennon: “Limitless, undying love which shines around me like a million suns, it calls me on and on across the universe.”  

Looking Out